Millennial 2020: Driving human connection in digital commerce
The Millennial 2020 conference celebrates the continuous innovation of start-ups and changes taking place in the digital commerce experience. With a flurry of change, the digital commerce revolution leaves users with much to aspire to and be excited about. It’s tough staying on top…
First Look Asia: Wootag on shopper interactivity – interview
The ways in which we shop are becoming increasingly effortless and diverse. There is also pressure for online stores to think outside the box more and find newer ways to engage and retain customers. Wootag is delighted to chat with Channel NewsAsia’s First Look Asia…
Interactive travel videos – win consumers over
In today’s surplus of online travel content, consumers are savvy in making choices and discretionary when it comes to absorbing information. The responsibility of travel brands now lies in their flexibility, connecting with consumers wherever they are on-the-go. Getting that digestible, exclusive and mobile-friendly content…
Interactive Videos to Empower Your Brand
Fashion brand videos are usually about sculpted models in glamorous landscapes or trendy locations and nothing more. Interactive video brand story by Abercrombie & Fitch.
Staying on top of the pack with video-first marketing
Last week, we took a look at what leading travel brands are doing to make their videos compelling and engaging for audiences. Flipping the turntables, we approach travel videos through the lens of the consumer and ask what content gets them inspired and forward-looking for…
Travel brands relating to Asian audiences better
It’s about time travel brands started relating to Asian audiences better with removing stereotypes and killing restrained storytelling. Never think tourism videos need to be static with cliched storylines and aspirations are driven by the Western media. Destination Canada, the official tourism board of Canada…
Why Travel Brands are Differentiating Themselves with Video
Travel brands are non-conformists and juggernauts in reinventing themselves to attract new eyeballs. The importance for them to adapt lies in destinations not being as new or exotic as before. The lack of novelty goes in line with the industry’s increased online resources and more…
Loving It, never trust a clown – videos which empower your brand
Movie marketing is no longer confined to trailers and static videos as audiences have become more accustomed to something with a twist and in different formats. The latest fast-food brands war between Burger King and McDonald’s sees Burger King trolling McDonald’s with the motto “Never…
Building stories for pleasure – interactive video storytelling Creating a user experience that will keep you hooked whilst providing useful guidance is a tough act to follow. Lowe has long been associated with their DIY hacks and with the help of an idea from Facebook, they’ve pulled off something worthwhile in your…