Making your video content click worthy
I have recently found my admiration for the comments section. For example, I came across an article on the “Advertising Age“. The article discussed how the Zen baby Zen ad campaign got it all right. While it did give a lot of insight into what practices make a…
From passive viewing to active decisions #gobeyondviews
When done right, video content, be it a high-production branded campaign or an amateur homemade video, can reach millions overnight. Whether it’s a light-hearted moment captured by Chewbacca mum or SKII’s emotionally-charged story about unmarried Asian women, videos continue to dominate the digital realm, and…
Travel Diaries – Converting Viewers to Travellers!
The word research follows the word travel. We all admit travel is no longer a simple affair of booking tickets and just following suggestions on what to see. Everything from flight tickets, to resort bookings, to places to see and places to eat is well researched before…
Video Marketing For Food Ventures. Curating video content
When the focus of your venture is food, your marketing troubles are half solved. You have a subject that people relate to on a daily basis, which is part of their daily routine and something most people pay a lot of attention to. Curating video…
Interactive video in FMCG, Fashion, Travel industries
Interactivity can be applied to any business vertical videos. Hypothesis came with a background and a question: Why would a Brand / Biz waste their content creation costs or Marketing or Advertising costs for just views? In Wootag we believe interactive videos can be used for…
How to make stunning videos on a shoestring budget
Google the cost of any Hollywood Blockbuster and something that will always feature is how big a budget was used to shoot the film. A known fact among all is creating media costs money. But with advancements in tech, and the rise of prosumers, making…
Why video is your most powerful marketing weapon
Even the greatest products need a little help to get the word out. When Apple releases their next big thing, you get often get a huge conference followed by a beautiful video telling you why you need their product. Whenever you hear of a successful…