Static ads depend on a short window of time to make a lasting impression on its passive audience. As voices quoted:

“Interactive ads are essentially any form of advertising that invites its audience to actively engage with the ad content beyond passive consumption.” 

Interactive ads require the mutual participation of the brand as well as the viewer. Ads are activated with an initial response action to the ad by the viewer — in the form a click, swipe, answering/participation to a question etc! 

What are some of the Most Popular Interactive Ad Formats?

Seen Netflix’s Bandersnatch? 

Mirroring a similar experience, brands can explore Narrative Storytelling Formats to interact with its audience and have them navigate their experience by choosing and dictating the character’s journey. 

Commerce Skins

Given that interactive advertising promotes brand recall, standard user journey would involve multiple steps & clicks! until the purchase funnel. Allowing for product browsing while watching the video simplifies and offers the viewer a much smoother experience. 

Store Locator 

Despite growing comfort with digital content & purchases, sales are still evidently dependent on offline visits. Interactive ads delivered digitally help engage your customers by:

1) Aiming to engage their audience with the content – differentiating them from a sea of online content while also,

2) Encouraging them towards offline visits to Stores, Showrooms, etc by enlisting the nearest options for each audience according to their location.

Lead Ads

Whether businesses want to encourage people to sign up for their newsletter, an offer, an event or more information about their product, lead ads simplify the mobile signup process, helping businesses hear from people interested in their business.

Why Interactive Ads? By Magna Global

Super Impression

  • Product Recall

    Brand differentiation

    According to a survey from business2community, they found that:

    88% of marketers said that interactive content is effective in differentiating their brand from their competitors.

    What are the creative ways to make your video interactive?

    Narrative Videos 

    360 degree Videos

    Product Linking 

    Interested to learn more?


    When used strategically, interactive ads can be an effective tool in actively engaging with your audience and achieving your final objective through digital campaigns. 

    Wootag makes your audience a part of your brand and as a result a part of your story. 

    Leveraging these tools can widely increase the efficiency and the growth spectrum of your Business by converting your viewers into customers using immersive technology effectively bridging the gap. We’d love to hear from you and learn how we can help you. 

    So, if you’re considering using Interactive Videos and want to know more, drop us a line and let’s chat about it.